Shadows Over Camelot: Merlin's Company
Retail: $29.99
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Publisher: Days Of Wonder
BGGID: 35704
Drake says: "Merlin's Company is an expansion for the popular Shadows Over Camelot board game that supports up to 8 players, including 2 possible Traitors, assuring that even the most innocuous Shadows Over Camelot Quest will be filled with grave peril."
John says: "This expansion adds an 8th player option. The box size builds a certain expectation, but this expansion is definitely worth having."
Serge Laget & Bruno Cathala
The swallows have long departed, replaced by sinister crows of dark omen. The land has grown more desolate, and travels ever more dangerous since a traitor was discovered in our midst. Rumour has it that merlin himself is now scouring the plains around Camelot, rallying new knights to our cause. But will that prove enough to counter Morgan's newly assembled coven of witches?
Merlin's Company introduces a host of new characters, including 7 new Knights and Merlin himself, to the Shadows over Camelot epic. Now supporting up to 2 Traitors and 8 players, this new expansion takes Knights on dangerous side trips as they move from quest to quest. Add Morgan's 7 Witches to the brew and your company's vaunted experience and mettle will be tested mightily.
This expansion requires the original Shadows Over Camelot board game.
- Merlin Figure And Summary Card
- 7 New Knight's Coats Of Arms
- A New Deck Of Loyalty Cards Including 1 Additional Traitor Card
- 16 New Travel Cards
- 14 Black Cards Including 7 New Special Black Cards
- 23 White Cards, Including 8 New Special White Cards
- A Bonus Figure Of Sir Bedivere With His Own Coat Of Arms And Die
- Merlin's Company Rule booklet
10 +

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