Shadows Over Camelot
Retail: $60.00
Price: $42.00
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Publisher: Days Of Wonder
BGGID: 15062
Drake says: "Shadows Over Camelot is a unique collaborative game featuring a malevolent twist! As the incarnation of the Knights of the Round Table, players work together to defeat the forces closing in on Camelot. But players must be vigilant for a traitor in their midst who is biding his time – secretly sowing the seeds of havoc and destruction. Yet too much suspicion will undermine the knights' efforts to protect the kingdom." |
John says: "Shadows Over Camelot is rare in that it's a COOPERATIVE board game. If your looking for a game that accommodates many players, this is a highly recommended. It may look like a very deep "gamers" game, but it's a fairly easy and exciting experience!" |
Designer: Serge Laget & Bruno Cathala Description: In most games, players compete against each other to achieve victory. Shadows over Camelot proposes a journey of a very different kind, where you and your fellow players, as Knights of the Round Table, will collaborate to jointly defeat... the game! At first glance, this task seems simple enough. After all, shouldn’t a band of young and noble Knights - fleet of foot and sound of mind - easily defeat a game that plays itself? Alas your quest is further complicated by the ever-present possibility of a Traitor in your midst, biding his time, waiting to strike at the worst possible moment... But enough words... Don your cloak, climb astride your warhorse and gallop into the Shadows to join us in Camelot! Contents:
- 1 Master Gameboard
- 3 Double-Sided Quest Boards
- 16 Swords Of The Round Table
- 168 Cards:
- 84 White Cards
- 8 Loyalty Cards
- 76 Black Cards
- 7 Coats-Of-Arms
- 7 Standard Dice
- 1 8-Sided Die
- 1 Rule Booklet (Including Days of Wonder Access Number)
- 1 Book Of Quests
- 30 Miniatures:
- 12 Siege Engines
- 3 Relics
- 4 Saxon Warriors
- 4 Pict Warriors
- 7 Knights
10 +

Retail: $25.00
Price: $17.50
Retail: $29.99
Price: $20.99
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