Taj Mahal
Retail: $39.95
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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 475
Drake says: "Taj Mahal auction game that takes place in India. Players use cards to bid for the various prizes. The prizes are mostly positions on the board and players get more points for connecting provinces on the map. However, there are several other ways of scoring points in this game. After the final area on the board is auctioned, the player with the highest point total takes the game."
John says: "Great tension with lots of difficult decisions. The rule book is a little difficult. This is absolutely one of Reiner Knizia's best games."
Reiner Knizia
Control of India at the beginning 18th century is up for grabs. The 200 year-long rule of the Grand Moguls has collapsed. Now is the time for the most powerful Maharishis and princes to take control of the Indian subcontinent. The players use strategy and cunning to win influence over India, province by province and city by city. The most successful player (and the winner) is the one who establishes the most magnificent palaces and has the most power in the end.
- 1 Game Board
- 100 Palaces
- 5 Scoring Markers
- 2 black figures
- 100 Cards
- 1 Gold Ring (Crown)
- 12 Octagonal Province Tiles
- 24 Oval Influence Tiles
- 16 Bonus Tiles:
- 1 Rule Booklet
12 +

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