Sunken City Board Game
Drake says: "Players have come to the ruins of the Sunken City which long ago was lost to the sea. Try to raise the old city, building by building, and then construct pathways to get to these buildings to find ancient treasure from this lost civilization. The player who finds the most treasure is the victor, and so the city may rest again."
John says: "Sunken City is a beautiful game with exciting adventure and exploration mechanics."
Wolfgang Kramer & Michael Kiesling
Hundreds of years ago, a wealthy city was struck by a gigantic tidal wave. While the wave destroyed everything in its path, the city sank beneath the waters nearly intact. It now rests at the bottom of a deep lake; its treasures guarded by Neptune.
Use your magical powers to raise portions of the city from the deep waters. Search for treasure and keep what you can - but beware Neptune's wrath, as he stalks and tries to overtake you. Gather all the treasure you can from the Sunken City!
- 1 Game Board
- 10 Numbered Buildings
- 2 Unnumbered Buildings
- 30 Streets
- 44 Treasures in 4 Colors
- 4 Adventurer Pawns
- 4 Adventurer Boards
- 1 Neptune
- 24 Movement Cards
- 8 Neptune Chips
- 4 Summaries
- 3 Dice
- 1 Rule Booklet
8 +
Retail: $34.99
Price: $23.99
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