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BGGID: 42452
Drake says: "Rattus ia a medium-strategy game which handles in the Dark Ages during the black plague. The players try to hold the disease. To do this they get help from farmers, magicians, knights, nobles, ... But nothing helps as long as the rats keep coming." |
John says: "Great theme and artwork make this smaller board game stand out." |
Designer: Ase & Henrik Berg Description: Europe, 1347. A disaster is about to strike. The Black Death reaches Europe, and during the next 4-5 years, the population of Europe will be halved. The players settle in the various regions of Europe, while the plague spreads throughout all of the continent. The players gain help from the various classes of the middle ages: The Peasants provide population growth, the wise Monks keep the rats away, the rich Merchants flee when the plague approaches, the warfare conducted by the Knights spreads the plague to new areas, the Witches controls the spread through magic and witchcraft, whereas the Kings avoid the plague by staying in their fortified palaces. But the plague does not make any distinction: When the rats arrive, no one can feel safe. When the plague withdraws and the game ends, the player with the highest surviving population wins. Contents:
- 1 Gameboard
- 49 Rat Tokens
- 80 Wooden Cubes
- 1 Plague Pawn
- 6 Character Cards
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +
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