Gulo Gulo
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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 6351
Drake says: "Gulo junior was caught by the lady vulture while attempting to steal one of her eggs and has now been arrested. There is only one thing left to do: get the family together and search for the little bugger, but they cannot resist passing a nest without stealing an egg. Whoever jum
ps the furthest, gets to Gulo junior first and can win the game.">"
John says: "This is the perfect game to keep you and your kids entertained! Not only is this a kids game, but the game includes special rules for VERY young Gulos!"
Wolfgang Kramer, Jurgen P. K. Grunau, & Hans Raggan
Each player is a Gulo, or wolverine, trying to rescue a baby Gulo who got caught by the swamp vulture whose eggs it was trying to steal. Unfortunately for the baby Gulo, all the adult Gulos are distracted by all the delicious swamp vulture eggs, and it has to wait very, very patiently as the adults constantly trip the very, very sensitive "egg alarm" rigged by the vulture to scare off the pesky Gulos.
There is a nice wooden bowl filled with multicolored swamp vulture eggs of various sizes, into which a long thin dowel with another egg at one end is inserted, like a flagpole. As you can imagine, lots of M&M Peanut-shaped wooden bits banging around together in a polished wooden bowl makes it rather difficult to keep a thin dowel with weight at the top balanced...
The essential mechanic of the game is to try to pull an egg of a particular color and move to a tile of that color on the linear path toward the bowl, and the little stack of tiles hiding the baby Gulo tile. If you set off the alarm, or knock any eggs out of the bowl, your Gulo is sent back to the previous tile of the attempted color. If there's no such tile, then back to the start he goes!
- 1 Black Cotton Bag
- 22 Eggs in 5 Colors
- 1 Arm Pole
- 1 Nest (Wooden Bowl)
- 6 Gulos in 6 Colors
- 1 Octagonal Gulo Junior Tile
- 23 Yard Tiles
- 1 Rule Booklet
5 +

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