Fearsome Floors
Retail: $39.95
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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 7805
Drake says: "In Fearsome Floors, players try to escape from Fürst Fieso. It's a race game in which players must move through a dungeon as fast as possible before it crumbles over their heads. Players must maneuver their disks through the dungeon trying to manipulate the movement of a monster who is always after fresh prey. Players can try to lead the monster to opponents' pieces, but may find themselves eaten instead!" |
John says: "A great puzzle race for the whole family. The theme and components are excellent and it's a perfect light game for Halloween time!" |
Designer: Friedemann Friese Description: It was fabulous! Fearlessly, you found the 3 fetishes in the Finnish fjord. With light-footed and foxy feints you ferry the fetishes to prince Fieso in France to free the fascinating faerie Fabula. But Fieso is not fond of foreigners, what a fiasco! You land freezing and foolishly find yourself trapped in a frightful fortress with sinister corridors. Now you must flee Fiesos trap. Furunkulus, the monster, is a frightening freak, especially fond of foolish foreigners. He will feed on you if he is able. So you want to fool Furunkulus and flee to freedom. Contents:
- 1 Game Board
- 17 Floor Tiles
- 8 Monster Movement Tiles
- 1 Starting Player Tile
- 25 Playing Figures
- 1 Monster Building Kit
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +

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