Deluxe Wooden Euro Tokens (Vegimeeples)
Retail: $29.99
Price: $19.99
Save: 33 %
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Drake says: "Wooden Tokens to "enhance" your Agricola game! The base game of Agricola comes with wooden discs and cubes. With these, you can add even more dimension to this deep game!"
John says: "These "Vegimeeples" aren't neccessary, but they add flavor and value to an already beautiful game. For Agricola fans only!"
Uwe Rosenberg (base game)
So what can you do with this set? Many kids say they are very very excited to play Farm with them, only with smaller, high-quality wooden components. They will also be a good generic token replacement set, you could use them for Stone Age, Powergird, or just about any other "euro" game. Use the wood to power your Powergrid factories! Use all of the Stone, Gold and Wood for Kingsburg! Use these for Agricola! Try them for any other game!
- 33 Wood
- 27 Bricks
- 15 White Tokens
- 20 Stone
- 27 Wheat
- 20 Gold
- 18 Carrots
- 36 Additional Food (12 Each Of Bread, Fish, Drumsticks)

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Price: $29.99
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