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Publisher: Face2Face Games
BGGID: 10997
Drake says: "In Boomtown, the players are prospectors, trying to find gold and get rich. Every turn, mining concessions are auctioned. Then gold is found on some concessions, depending on the die rolls. Players can also act as highwaymen, tavern owners, and politicians. Through many means are fortunes won. At the end of the game, the player with the most influence, the best mines and the most gold wins."
John says: "Boomtown feels kind of like a card-based 'Settlers Of Catan'. Though, it is dependent on dice, there are several strategy angles. Great card artwork and an excellent currency exchange game mechanic make this unique game worth having. Compact, quick, strategic, accessible!"
Bruno Faidutti & Bruno Cathala
There's gold in them hills!
With that cry prospectors race westward and Boomtowns are established?the gold rush is on. In Boomtown, you must compete with your fellow prospectors in a mad scramble to find your fortune in gold, but watch out for highwaymen, card sharks and crooked politicians. There are many ways to make a buck in Boomtown.
- 60 Cards:
- 45 Mining Concessions
- 15 Events
- 2 Dice
- 5 Mayor Pawns
- 10 BoomTown tokens
- Poker Chips (Money)
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +
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